90% Performance Improvement! Electronic Lab Notebook (ELN) Gets Historic Speed-Up

Electronic Lab Notebook (ELN) is an essential tool in modern laboratories for recording experimental data, managing experimental plans and tracking experimental results. However, in traditional ELN platforms, page responsiveness often becomes a bottleneck that restricts work efficiency. To solve this problem, we have launched iLabPower ELN 4.0.

Electronic laboratory notebook ELN 4.0 based on cloud-native solutions for a new design planning, in the system architecture has been comprehensively upgraded, faster, more stable. ELN 4.0 uses a comprehensive containerized deployment approach, so that the application has the ability to rapidly expand horizontally and automatically scaling capacity, the business process using the industry standard Kubernetes for task scheduling, substantially improving the ELN availability, flexibility, security; especially in terms of performance, it has successfully broken through the page response speed bottleneck, realizing a historic speed-up, with a performance increase of 95%!

We have collected the average response time data of the relevant pages of ELN platform after the revamped electronic lab notebook. From the chart data, we can clearly see that the response time of ELN-related pages after the revision has been significantly shortened, and the average page response time is only 0.2 seconds!

Taking the test task page as an example, the average response time of this page was reduced to only 0.136 seconds, and similarly, the pages of Sample Center, Experiment Center List, and My Test Delivery have also achieved similar significant speed-up effects.

In ELN 4.0, the average response time for the Management Center – Member Management page has been significantly reduced to only 0.329 seconds. In addition, the average response time for the Approval of Experiments page is only 0.346 seconds after the revision, which significantly improves the efficiency of the approval process.

The release of ELN 4.0 breaks through the bottleneck of the traditional ELN platform in terms of page response time, dramatically improves the efficiency of data recording and experimental management, significantly optimizes the work experience of laboratory workers, and provides more efficient support for scientific research.

It is our goal to provide lab workers with better tools to help promote the development of scientific research. Although the revamped ELN has achieved significant speedups, we will continue to improve and optimize the performance of ELN to meet the ever-changing and growing needs of laboratories as science and technology rapidly evolve.

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