Intelligent Data-driven solution for Pharmaceutical CMC

Achieving faster CQA/CPP identification & optimization through cross-system data fusion, establishing data hierarchy and AI DOE & optimization models.

One-Stop Data-DrivenIntelligent Innovation Solutions

Based on Neotrident's three major platforms: iLabPower, SDH, and MaxFlow

Digitalized Data Acquisition & Management
The iLabPower platform provides an integrated solution for data acquisition and management, covering project management, electronic notebooks (ELN), reagent and instrument management, and sample inspection processes.

Cross-Source Data Fusion & Cleaning
Scientific Data Hierarchy(SDH) Platform helps scientists efficiently summarize and clean data from multiple sources, including iLabPower, LIMS, ERP, spreadsheets, scientific databases, and more. This enables the creation of a unified data view and facilitates the identification of key process parameters.

Establishing Data Hierarchy
Scientific Data Hierarchy(SDH) platform allows scientists, even with minimal IT knowledge, to build their own data hierarchy, enhancing the understanding of key data structures and relationships.

Identification & Optimization of Critical Quality Attributes & Critical Process Parameters
Using MaxFlow AI platform, enterprises can build their own prediction and optimization models, achieving data-driven and model-driven identification and optimization of critical process parameters.

Balancing Data Sharing and Data Security
Highly configurable account privilege settings allow users access only to necessary data, preventing leaks while enabling secure internal data sharing.

Electronic Signatures & Audit Trails
The iLabPower and SDH platforms provide E-signature functions that comply with FDA 21CFR Part 11 regulations and offer comprehensive audit trail records for every action taken by users in the system.

Estimated Benefits

Enhance the expedited and secure advancement and commercialization of novel pharmaceuticals.

Data Acquisition & Data Cleaning Time

Automated data acquisition
Intelligent data pre-processing & cleaning
Templatized data entry

↓ 80%~90%

Data Sharing & Utilization Efficiency

Unified data format & standard
Intelligent data query & analysis
Real time data synchronization through SaaS platform

↑ 70%~80%

R&D Efficiency

Cross-department collaboration with automated workflow
Agile & highly configurable system structure
Cloud computing support

↑ 30%~40%

R&D Cost

Compliance & data security assurance
Optimizing resource allocation with AI-aid decision making
Fast implementing & quick returns SaaS-based system


Successful Application Cases

Comprehensive AI solution for pharmaceutical CMC and material processing
Leveraging data intelligence to expedite product development.

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