iLabPower SEQ

Biological Sequence Editor

Assists molecular biologists in designing biological sequences quickly and efficiently, simplifying the entire process of sequence analysis and design.

Analysis and Annotation

iLabPower SEQ offers comprehensive analysis of biological sequence properties and supports the quick addition of annotations, all rendered in real-time.

  • Amino Acid Sequence Property Analysis
  • GC Content Analysis of Nucleic Acid Sequences
  • Automated Functional Region Annotation
  • Molecular Cloning

    iLabPower SEQ provides essential tools for molecular cloning, including primer design and restriction enzyme site analysis. It generates detailed plasmid maps, tracks each step, and ensures data integrity and accuracy.

  • Automated Primer Design
  • Restriction Enzyme Site Analysis
  • Sequence Alignment

    iLabPower SEQ integrates widely-used sequence alignment methods, supporting both pairwise and multiple sequence alignments, to deliver user-friendly and accurate alignment results.

  • DNA Sequence Alignment
  • Amino Acid Sequence Alignment
  • Data Sharing and Collaboration

    iLabPower SEQ facilitates collaborative sharing of analyzed sequence data among multiple users, and supports import and export of industry-standard biological sequence file formats.

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