Ningbo Topcentral New Material

About Ningbo Topcentral

Ningbo Topcentral New Materials Co., LTD. (hereafter referred to as Ningbo Topcentral) was established in December 2019, focusing on the development and production of sustainable and low-carbon functional materials. The existing products include PCR zero-carbon materials, PCR modified plastics, bio-based and degradable materials, functional nanocomposite materials and other 9 categories, with 48 related patents and 203 registered trademarks.


Ningbo Topcentral R&D Innovation Center brings together a team of highly educated, experienced and innovative talents. Employees with bachelor’s and master’s degrees or above account for 60% of the total number of employees, and R&D personnel account for 48% of the employees of the company. Core researchers in the plastic circular economy, new materials and other fields have obvious professional and academic advantages, and has a wealth of industrial production experience, while collaborates with Chinese Academy of Sciences, Tianjin University, Zhejiang University, Zhejiang University, Ningbo Institute of Technology and other domestic universities and research institutes to carry out industry-university-research cooperation, committed to breaking through critical technical problems for the circular economy materials, continue to provide high quality products and technical services that is low carbon emission and environment-friendly.


Challenges Faced by Ningbo Topcentral:

With the continuous improvement of people’s environmental awareness and the government’s support for environmental protection, the market prospect of sustainable materials is very broad. In the future, sustainable materials will be widely used in different industries, and it will also lead to more new products and technological innovation. It is expected that the market size of sustainable materials will continue to expand in the coming years. Based on the current market situation and future estimations, the traditional R & D model based on paper records is no longer able to meet the management needs of Ningbo Topcentral for R&D experimental data.


Our Solutions:

In 2023, Ningbo Topcentral collaborate with Neotrident Technology, using the advantages of rapid deployment of SaaS cloud product, has implemented four products:  Project Management (PM), Electronic Lab Notebook (ELN), Scientific data Hierachy (SDH) and AI intelligent prediction platform (MaxFlow).


Results & Benefits:

The iLabPower digital management cloud platform assisted in sorting out the complex types of research and development projects of Topcentral, and refining project task division and implementation progress tracking, which greatly improved the efficiency of project management and reduced the risk of project execution. At the same time, based on the ELN system and combined with the actual offline business, the corresponding experiment template was built, and the online management of the sample submission and inspection process was realized, which further improved the efficiency of experimental record sorting and reduced the cost of cross-departmental collaboration and communication.

For the next step, Topcentral will commencing data fusion and overall analysis based on the R&D data accumulated in the PM and ELN system, using the SDH, so that the historical data will no longer just for storage, but become the internal knowledge and experience library of the enterprise, as a better guide the subsequent R&D experimental work.

At the same time, by using the data collected and the MaxFlow AI intelligent prediction platform, the enterprise’s own machine learning prediction model will be trained for experiment design and product performance prediction. The addition of AI prediction tools will make Topcentral’s overall research and development capability go to a higher level.


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