iLabPower R&D innovative digital platform for large molecule analysis laboratory testing process paperless management solutions

For large molecule drug analysis laboratories using traditional paper-based management mode, the common management problems and pain points include the following aspects:

Confused management of test request form

Because the test request form is a batch latitude, each analyst will have more than one test request form, taking up a lot of space, and easy to lose, resulting in sample leakage. At the same time, because there are many large molecule drug test items, it is difficult for analysts to quickly distinguish the test items and samples assigned to them in each batch of requisitions.

Difficulty in finding samples and references

For large molecule drugs, the samples and reference preparations are usually frozen and stored in small packages, so a large number of paper ledgers will be generated during storage, which makes it difficult for laboratory personnel to find them. Due to the temperature management requirements of the ultra-low temperature refrigerator, it is necessary to minimize the number of times and time of opening and closing the refrigerator, so every time the sample is accessed, it is necessary to find the freezing box where the sample/reference preparation is located as quickly as possible.

Results Reporting and COA Issuance

After analysts have completed their experiments and record reviews, they still need to find the paper report forms for the corresponding batches and fill in the conclusions of the test results for the corresponding test items, which is time-consuming and laborious, and can easily lead to untimely reporting of results. On the other hand, the sample management team also needs to organize the COA report according to the results and conclusions filled in by the analysts, which also brings a lot of workload.

Archiving and Access to Experimental Records

For the completed paper records, the current offline records are usually managed using coded controlled paper and other ways, the experimenter in the completion of the results report, but also need to register the return of the use of the records issued by the controlled paper code. At the same time, with the increase in the accumulation of test records, the space required by the enterprise archive has also been raised, resulting in a sharp rise in archive management costs. At the same time when there are OOS / OOT / AD and other abnormalities, the historical records of the query and access to the ease of archiving records with the increase in the number of records and consequently a substantial increase.

Aiming at the above management problems and pain points, iLabPower R&D and innovation digital platform developed by Chuangteng Technology provides an overall paperless solution for analytical laboratory management, which includes sample delivery process management, electronic laboratory record book and biological sample management, to help analytical laboratories of large molecule biopharmaceuticals to improve the efficiency of sample management and testing and analysis.

Sample Delivery Process System

iLabPower SIP

iLabPower SIP (Sample Inspection Procedure System) can realize the whole process management from the establishment of quality standards to the distribution of samples and the allocation of test items as well as the issuance of COA reports, and supports the automatic determination of test conclusions as well as the automatic generation of COA reports, which can help the users to better complete the allocation of testing tasks as well as the organization and issuance of COA reports, and ultimately improve the overall operational efficiency of the analytical laboratory. Seamless connection between SIP and ELN. Each testing task can be associated with the corresponding experimental records in ELN, and at the same time, it supports direct access to testing results from ELN to ensure the authenticity, traceability and timeliness of data.

Electronic Laboratory Notebook System

iLabPower ELN

iLabPower ELN and iLabPower SIP to achieve seamless docking, SIP in the distribution of testing tasks synchronized to the ELN, analysts in the ELN to complete the analysis of experiments, and complete the corresponding record review and results reporting work, and the results automatically back to the SIP, effectively enhance the efficiency of the analysis of results reporting. ELN also contains the instrument data analysis, customized ELN also includes basic functions such as instrument data analysis, customized experiment templates, mobile APP photo recording and voice recognition recording, which further improves the efficiency of analysts in organizing experiment records. At the same time, ELN also supports online archiving and full-text search function, which reduces the cost of document storage and improves the convenience of historical record query.

Biological Sample Management System

iLabPower BIMS

iLabPower BIMS is the latest product of iLabPower R&D and innovation platform, which is specially designed for the management of large molecule biological samples, such as proteins, cells, plasmids, strains, etc. It provides users with complete laboratory biological sample management system. It provides users with a complete solution for laboratory biological sample management. It provides visualization interface configuration for commonly used cryopreservation equipment, such as refrigerator, liquid nitrogen tank, basket, freezing rack, freezing box, etc. It also provides sample retrieval and query function, which makes it more convenient to retrieve cryopreserved samples, reference preparations, etc. It also reduces the number of switching times of refrigerator and liquid nitrogen tank as much as possible, so as to avoid unstable nature of samples caused by too high temperature.

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