Zhuhai United Laboratories

About Zhuhai United Laboratories

Zhuhai United Laboratories Co., Ltd. located in Sanzao Technology Industrial Park, Jinwan District, Zhuhai. It was built and put into operation in 1998, covering an area of 330,000 square meters. Who mainly focused on production, research and development, sales of antibiotics.



As a leading domestic pharmaceutical enterprise (ranked 24th in China’s Top 100 Pharmaceutical Enterprises in 2017), Research and development capability is the engine for United Laboratories. In 2018, in order to effectively manage research and development data and core asset of the Group, completing the accumulation of research and development data by means of information technology, and to establish an enterprise research and development knowledge base, the Group leadership launched a research and development information construction project.


Challenges Faced by Zhuhai United Laboratories

Increasing numbers of R&D projects and personnel, revealing the lack of efficiency of spreadsheet-based project management.

The project management work is mainly relies on project managers themselves, lacking of association between the project and the experiment, lacking abilities of acquiring real-time project data statistics.

The lack of data and the inability to quick data query, causing difficulties in solving problems.

The quantity, quality, and quantitative indicators of the researchers’ experiments cannot be obtained quickly

There are problems in the timeliness and integrity of records, and the records are difficult to find and trace, and there are problems in technical handover

Many repeating experiment records cannot be quickly duplicated, and instrument data is mainly manual recorded.

Having an enormously large categories of experiments.

Instruments, equipment, strains and other resources mainly rely on manual management.

There is no standardized instrument and other resource database, which cannot be associated with experimental records

The standardization of inventory management needs to be strengthened

Lacking of in strains management and inventory visualization

Materials and reagents are difficult to locate and being traced

Safety risks in reagent use and storage


Our Solutions:

Neotridents provides an comprehensive digitalization solution consisting by: R&D project management (PM) , electronic laboratory record (ELN), as well as material management function modules (CIMS). Those three modules are interconnected, and achieving an overall solution for R & D laboratory projects, basic experimental data and experimental materials informatization.


Results & Benefits:

The construction of laboratory information platform has realized the management of scientific research activities from project creation, task decomposition and start-up, and the whole life cycle of experimental reagents. The standardized, structured and traceable electronic information management of the experiment template, the standardized, structured and traceable electronic information management of the whole experiment process from experimental process recording to data analysis and result reporting, as well as the efficient and rapid utilization of scientific research data, have been realized to improve the level of scientific research management, scientific research and development efficiency and reagent management, which are mainly reflected in the following aspects:

Project management is more standardized

The establishment of project management system enables managers to track the progress of all projects in real time and correct the direction of work in time, which has great and far-reaching significance for project management and experimental data management.

Experimental records are more reliable

According to the requirements of the federal pharmaceutical industry, specially configured to meet the requirements of the federal biological laboratory record template. Can realize the review and release of the experimental template; The experimental records shall be approved and confirmed after completion; Experimental records sharing and viewing require approval; Experimental record export report needs approval; Export the designed report template into a standard Pdf version of the experiment report; Improve the standardization of laboratory reports.

After the approval of the experiment, the experiment can no longer be modified to ensure the authenticity of the experimental data.

Data from electronic balance are directly logged into the electronic experiment recording system to ensure the original and accuracy of the data.

Experimental data is more secure

Realizes the control of lab records and access rights of lab records under different projects and tasks, ensuring the security of data.

The workflow of experimental record approval is configured in the system to ensure data security and standardization of R&D workflow.

Experimental module review, the key experimental data can be double review function, review data can not be adjusted, review with electronic signature function, to ensure the authenticity of important data.

Establish a sound electronic signature system, all experimental data records and changes have electronic signatures, so that it has traceability, to ensure the authenticity, accuracy, integrity and reliability of experimental data, and protect intellectual property rights.

Reagent management is more standardized and safe

Reagent inventory management system classifies and manages all reagents. Different R & D personnel use reagents in different warehouses and adopt different approval processes, which makes reagent management more standardized and reasonable. For special envoy dangerous reagents, use is tracked at any time, timely return management, strict examination and approval mechanism, and the whole life cycle management of reagents from storage to consumption makes reagent management safer.

Greatly improve work efficiency and reduce reagent costs

The experimental instrument library established can be used by scientists to maintain relevant information. When writing experimental records, the experimental instrument information in the database can be directly imported, and the ledger can be registered and exported for use, which reduces the workload of manual input of a large number of parameters.

The retrieval function enables users to quickly retrieve the required data in the ELN recording system from a large number of experimental data.

The permission setting of the electronic experimental record system enables the colleagues with permission to view each other, and can comment, comment and quote the experiments. The cloning function of the system enables the experimenters to directly copy the existing experiments, thus reducing the repetition rate of experiments and improving the scientific research efficiency.

The unattended experimental reagents can be released for quick and timely use, greatly improving the efficiency of reagent acquisition.

Reagent inventory management system (CIMS), convenient to timely understand and statistical reagent ledger, tracking the use of reagents, greatly reducing the risk of reagent expiration and reagent waste cost.

With world-class technical strength and product capability, the products provided by Chuangteng Technology and excellent after-sales service have won unanimous praise from Zhuhai Federal Pharmaceutical.

At the same time, the Federation has built a POC prototype of data mining to prepare the platform for later data mining.


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